When searching for a school that will be the basis of the rest of your career – and this is important – make sure you are attending a NACCAS accredited school.
Accreditation. This word is tossed around in nearly every school commercial on TV and the radio. You hear schools described as accredited, and you are told to always attend an accredited program, but what is accreditation, exactly? And how does it affect your choice of schools?
What is Accreditation?
Accreditation is a governmental procedure that ensures the quality of your Cosmetology education. The U.S. Department of Education recognizes certain regional and national agencies that accredit universities, colleges, trade schools, and specific post-secondary degree programs. The agencies evaluate schools based on a process approved by the Department of Education, and schools receive ratings based on where they excel and what areas they need to work on. NACCAS is not a government agency, but the United States Department of Education recognizes their authority in accrediting cosmetology schools and beauty schools.
While the exact curriculum may vary from school to school, the accreditation process ensures that every student who graduates from an accredited school and/or program is equally prepared for the job market.
What you need to know: When it comes to financial aid – not all beauty schools are the same.
If you’re considering more than one beauty school, be sure to make sure they’re an accredited beauty school. CCU College is accredited by the National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS). That’s important because this accreditation makes it possible for CCU College to help students get federal financial aid and by attending a school that is NACCAS accredited, you can rest assured that you are receiving a quality cosmetology education.
NACCAS, 3015 Colvin Street, Alexandria, VA 22314
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